Area of any size can be digitised and asset location data captured by Sitaest solution. As rule of thumb a combination of fixed antennas and bluetooth beacons fit into lower budget, however a project site of multiple square kilometres would require a bigger variation of hardware components.
Use the right hardware
For a case like this both stationary antennas, antennas attached to vehicles and beacons with 5G will be utilised. A truck with attached antenna will see all bluetooth beacons in the area it passes.
Go further out
If the assets are located in an area where installation of antennas is not possible, beacons with SIM cards can be used. Later option requires no antennas as 5G beacons will send location data directly to Sitaest platform.
Initial investment
Digitalisation of asset management and logistics tracking in an outdoor area depends on the size and shape of the area as well ass quantity and type of walls and other barriers present in the area.